Integrated Policy

The Company named CNG Fiber Trade Europe, in carrying on its business, bases itself on guiding principles which are the reference for setting objectives of improvement in full compliance with applicable standards, including environmental standards.

Top Management confirms the objective of maximizing the satisfaction of all those who have an interest in the company, be they partners, employees, customers, suppliers, or financiers.

Management applies an Integrated Management System, UNI EN ISO 9001:2015 and UNI EN ISO 14001:2015, as a strategic factor to maintain competitiveness on the market.

Top Management also undertakes to comply with its compliance obligations, in particular the applicable legal requirements and those which the company identifies independently.


Customer services:

  1. Satisfaction of stakeholders and their implicit and explicit needs and expectations;
  2. Speed of completion of customs clearance;
  3. Direct control of the storage and transport of materials;
  4. Widespread distribution network on both the national and international markets;
  5. Excellent relations with freight forwarders and carriers;
  6. Credit risk coverage;
  7. Administration of payments;
  8. Price risk coverage;
  9. Same level of service to both small and large customers;
  10. Constantly monitoring customer satisfaction to improve the service and seize new opportunities;
  11. Commitment to prevent pollution;
  12. Continuously improving environmental performance, in reducing specific resource consumption, committing itself, where possible, to recovery and recycling.


  1. Continually searching for new markets;
  2. Continually searching for new products;

Personnel Selection:

  1. Improving internal efficiency to reduce wasting time and resources;
  2. Committing to continual improvement in the technical and quality level of staff and of all those who directly or indirectly work with CNG Fiber Trade Europe.

The activities described above will be carried out in full compliance with the regulations in force.

In this regard, CNG Fiber Trade Europeundertakes to:

  1. Maintain compliance with all applicable laws and regulations;
  2. Pursue continual improvement aimed at reducing environmental impacts to a level “corresponding to the economically viable application of the best available technology”;
  3. Promote the responsibility of employees at all levels for environmental protection and to implement information and training programmes for staff;
  4. Foster relationships with suppliers who show an interest in managing their environmental aspects, in particular:
    • Carriers
    • ISO 14001 certified company
    • Products marked FSC ® (FSC-C007596) and PEFC ™ (PEFC/18-31-785).


CNG Fiber Trade Europe has also decided to follow FSC-STD-40-004 and PEFC ITA 1002:2013 standards for the management of its products.

The FSC (Forest Stewardship Council®) certification is able to assure consumers that the product is made from material coming from forests correctly managed from an environmental, social and economic point of view.

The symbol therefore assures end consumers that the wood used in the manufacture of the product meets high standards of protection of the environmental, social and economic characteristics of forests.

The PEFC™ (Programme for Endorsement of Forest Certification schemes) endorses national forest certification schemes and is based on a broad understanding of the stakeholders involved in implementing sustainable forest management at national and regional level.

The company therefore declares its commitment to avoid trading in and supplying wood and fibres in the following categories:

  • Illegally harvested wood;
  • Wood harvested in violation of traditional and civil rights;
  • Wood harvested in forests with a high conservation value;
  • Wood harvested from forests converted to plantations or non-forest use;
  • Wood from forests in which genetically modified trees are planted.